West Lafayette


Country :United States of America
Region :Midwest
Division :East North Central
State :Indiana - IN
County :Tippecanoe County - TP
Municipality :City

Land area :5.51 sq mi (14 km²)
Elevation :617 ft
Population :28,778
Density :5,222.87/sq mi (2,016.56/km²)
Male :57.18%
Female :42.82%
Latitude :40.44 - 40° 3' N
Longitude :-86.91 - 86° 5' W
Time :Monday, December 02, 2024 - 03:12 AM (UTC -5)

Contact :Judith Rhodes (City Clerk)
Address :City Hall
609 Navajo Street
West Lafayette, Indiana 47906
Phone :(765) 775-5150
Fax :(765) 775-5159
code :765
Website :http://www.city.west-lafayette.in.us
E-mail :
DB-City :West Lafayette


Ancestrie GermanGerman :26.8 %
Ancestrie IrishIrish :12.3 %
Ancestrie EnglishEnglish :11.5 %
Ancestrie PolishPolish :5.9 %
Ancestrie United StatesUnited States :4.0 %
Ancestrie ItalianItalian :4.0 %

ZIP Code


In the same County : Tippecanoe County

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