

Country :United States of America
Region :South
Division :South Atlantic
State :North Carolina - NC
County :Jackson County - JA
Municipality :Town

Land area :1.6 sq mi (4 km²)
Elevation :2240 ft
Population :486
Density :303.75/sq mi (117.28/km²)
Male :41.98%
Female :58.02%
Latitude :35.35 - 35° 2' N
Longitude :-83.21 - 83° 1' W
Time :Saturday, February 15, 2025 - 06:48 AM (UTC -5)

Contact :Jean Davenport (Commissioner)
Address :Town Hall
P.O. Box 7
Webster, North Carolina 28788
Phone :(828) 586-8447
code :828
DB-City :Webster


Ancestrie IrishIrish :14.6 %
Ancestrie Scotch-IrishScotch-Irish :13.2 %
Ancestrie EnglishEnglish :10.7 %
Ancestrie GermanGerman :9.1 %
Ancestrie United StatesUnited States :8.2 %
Ancestrie PolishPolish :4.5 %

In the same County : Jackson County

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