

Country :United States of America
Region :South
Division :South Atlantic
State :Maryland - MD
Established :0000
Municipality :City

Land area :2.14 sq mi (6 km²)
Elevation :100 ft
Population :14,733
Density :6,884.58/sq mi (2,658.15/km²)
Male :47.74%
Female :52.26%
Latitude :38.96 - 38° 6' N
Longitude :-76.95 - 76° 6' W

Contact :Doug Barber (City Clerk)
Address :City Hall
4310 Gallatin Street
Hyattsville, Maryland 20781-2050
Phone :(301) 985-5000
Fax :(301) 985-5007
code :301
Website :
E-mail :
DB-City :Hyattsville


Ancestrie IrishIrish :9.6 %
Ancestrie GermanGerman :7.0 %
Ancestrie Subsaharan AfricanSubsaharan African :5.5 %
Ancestrie EnglishEnglish :5.2 %
Ancestrie West IndianWest Indian :4.1 %
Ancestrie United StatesUnited States :3.9 %

ZIP Code

20781, 20782, 20783, 20784, 20785

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